Our Hotels

Hotel Orient**** Kraków
Czterogwiazdkowy Hotel Orient jest komfortowym i nowoczesnym obiektem. Niewątpliwą zaletą hotelu jest wysoki standard oraz bogate zaplecze rekreacyjne.

Jadwisin (k. Warszawy)
This comfortable conference centre, with a complex of eight well-equipped conference rooms, is located just 35 km from Warsaw.

The Centre is located on a large fenced area, surrounded by pine and spruce forest.

This comfortable Centre is located in the immediate vicinity of forests and Spa Park and it is a perfect place to relax and rest.

Złockie (Muszyna)
The Centre is located in a picturesque part of Złockie, right on the edge of the spa area.

Hotels, Mountains
Hotel Perła Bieszczadów***
Elegant, comfortable hotel, with professional service as well as amazing sights is a perfect place for a family holiday and creative work.

A professional complex for organizers of training sessions and incentive trips with professional conference rooms.

Jugowice (Góry Sowie)
High standard, friendly atmosphere and wonderful sights create ideal conditions for creative work and family holidays.

Forest/lake, Hotels
Hotel Bukowy Dworek***
Bukowy Dworek Hotel, is a three star hotel in the Lubuskie discrict. It is an ideal place for those who enjoy active lifestyle as well as for those who prefer to relax in peace.

Uzdrowisko Dąbki
The Centre is open all-year-long, surrounded by pine - birch forest and located only 100 meters from the sea.